=> Get Email GetNada Temporary At Here <=

GetNada API Email Document

List Domains

Get the current list of available domains.

GET: https://getnada.cc/api/domains/GwNvKEofrdyS7JTXCzHQ

Create Email

Validate the Email ID and provides a sanitized one.

GET: https://getnada.cc/api/email/[email]/GwNvKEofrdyS7JTXCzHQ


[email] – Email ID that you want to create.

Fetch Messages

Get email messages of the provided Email ID.

GET: https://getnada.cc/api/messages/[email]/GwNvKEofrdyS7JTXCzHQ


[email] – Email ID that you want to create.

Delete Message

Delete a specific email message with the given ID.

DELETE: https://getnada.cc/api/message/[message_id]/GwNvKEofrdyS7JTXCzHQ


[message_id] – Unique identifier for the specific message to delete.